عرض العناصر حسب علامة : معهد المدققين الداخليين الدولي IIA

اختبار تجريبي لـشهادة ضمان إدارة المخاطر المعتمدة CRMA الجديد

يقدم معهد المدققين الداخليين (IIA) للأعضاء خصمًا بنسبة 20٪ طوال شهر مايو 2021 على رسوم التسجيل في الطلب والامتحان الجديد لشهادة المدقق الداخلي المعتمد CIA

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Save 20% on CIA Certification
    The IIA is offering members a 20% discount throughout May 2021 on new application and exam registration fees* for the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) designation.

    To redeem this offer,* simply log into CCMS and apply or submit an exam registration for the CIA program. Please note that for the 20% discount to be automatically applied to your transaction, your CCMS profile must reflect active IIA membership.

    Access CCMS

    Get prepped and SAVE 20% now on CIA Exam Practice Questions and The IIA’s CIA Learning System at the IIA Bookstore. Use promo code SAVE20.

    Not an IIA Member?
    Visit Find Your Local IIA to join the IIA Affiliate in your country.

    *Offer is only valid through 30 April through 31 May 2021 for new application and exam registrations. Excludes candidates in Azerbaijan, mainland China, Czech Republic, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, and United Kingdom/Ireland. All sales are nontransferable and nonrefundable.

ان التحضير لاجتياز اختبار المدقق الداخلي المعتمد ليس بالأمر السهل، هناك الكثير من الأشياء المختلفة التي تستطيع القيام بها لتحسين طريقة دراستك

 سيساعد برنامج الدراسة الذاتية للمناهج الأساسية التابع لمعهد المدققين الداخليين (IIA) المدققين الداخليين على تحقيق الكفاءات المطلوبة لتخطيط وتنفيذ مهام التدقيق الداخلي وإظهار السلطة والمصداقية والسلوك الأخلاقي الضروري لنشاط تدقيق داخلي قيم.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية *Sign in before adding bundle to cart*
    Understanding the value in the profession of internal auditing is the first step to becoming an effective internal auditor. The latest release of The IIA’s Competency Framework outlines competencies for professionalism, performance, environment, and leadership and communication. The IIA’s Core Curriculum Self-Study Program will help internal auditors achieve the competencies required to plan and perform internal audit engagements and demonstrate the authority, credibility and ethical conduct essential for a valuable internal audit activity.

    This comprehensive program offers internal auditors the tools to successfully carry out the Mission of Internal audit. It provides a general understanding of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) and the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards). The program provides guidance on contributing to the improvement of organizational governance, risk management, and control; promoting ethics and values to mitigate fraud; and applying The IIA’s Code of Ethics and rules of conduct. Further, this program provides guidance critical to engagement planning, considerations, objectives, and scope; engagement fieldwork; and engagement outcomes, and is in alignment with The IIA’s Implementation Guides, which thoroughly address internal auditing’s approaches, methodologies, and considerations.

    Program Information
    This 16.5 CPE program includes access to the following for 180 days:

    Professionalism Competency:

    Understanding the IPPF (1.0 CPE)
    Mission of Internal Audit and the Internal Audit Charter (1.5 CPE)
    Independence and Objectivity (1.0 CPE)
    Proficiency and Due Professional Care (1.2 CPE)
    Ethical Scenarios for Internal Auditors (1.2 CPE)
    Ethical Behavior (1.6 CPE)
    Performance Competency:

    Organizational Governance (1.2 CPE).
    Risk Management (1.4 CPE).
    Internal Control (1.2 CPE).
    Fraud (1.6 CPE).
    Engagement Planning (1.2 CPE).
    Engagement Fieldwork (1.2 CPE).
    Engagement Outcomes (1.2 CPE)
مايو هو الشهر الدولي للتوعية حول التدقيق الداخلي

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Promoting the Profession and Building Awareness
    ​Promoting the Profession and Building Awareness
    May is International Internal Audit Awareness Month
    The IIA offers customizable tools, planning resources, and thought-provoking content to help advocate for and build awareness of the internal audit profession. Access our outstanding awareness toolkit, position papers, and thought leadership during May, International Internal Audit Awareness Month, and all year. Read more about those successes.
    Building AwarenessAwareness Month Toolkit

    Access creative ideas, tips, and easy-to-use tools and templates to promote the value of internal audit!

    Download now.

    Download the Building Awareness Champion form.

    Remember to also promote the profession on your favorite social media channels. Check out our Facebook page to see photos of what others are doing to celebrate International Internal Audit Awareness Month, and join in the conversation on Twitter at #IIAMay.

    2020 Building Awareness Champions
    Congratulations to our 2020 Building Awareness Champions!

    Rising to the challenges presented by a global pandemic, these Affiliates and Chapters promoted the internal audit profession beginning in May during International Internal Audit Awareness Month and continuing in the months following. Through a variety of virtual events and awareness campaigns designed to inform and engage, they shared their passion for internal auditing, raising awareness of the profession and helping stakeholders understand the value of internal audit in their organizations. Read more about those successes.

    IIA–Palm Beach County Chapter
    IIA–Vancouver Chapter
    IIA–Bahamas Chapter
    IIA–Calgary Chapter
    IIA–Chinese Taiwan
    IIA–Costa Rica
    IIA–Dominican Republic
    IIA–El Salvador
    Promoting the Profession and Building Awareness Resources

    Advocacy Resources

    Position Papers ​
    Position Papers

    Share thought-provoking content to inform and educate stakeholders on issues of importance.

    Download now.

    Thought Leadership ​
    Thought Leadership

    Get a complimentary subscription to Tone at the Top, a newsletter covering all governance-related topics.

    Subscribe today.

    Informational Resources

    20 Ideas for Getting the Word to Students About Internal Auditing
    Adding Value Across the Board Brochure
    This brochure addresses how internal auditing contributes to strong corporate governance.
    All in a Day's Work Brochure
    This brochure addresses the varied roles of internal auditors.
    Getting to Know Internal Auditing
    This PowerPoint presentation provides and overview of the internal audit profession. It compares internal audits to financial statement audits and identifies internal audit stakeholders, ideal reporting relationships, and more.
    Global Fact Sheet
    Internal Audit Legislative and Regulatory Guidelines
    US Fact Sheet
    Value of Internal Auditing: Assurance, Insight, Objectivity
    This PowerPoint presentation describes the value of internal auditing to stakeholders.

    Actionable Resources

    An Elected Official at Your Event
    This document offers tips on how to get an elected official to attend your IIA event.
    Awareness Month Poster
    You can display this Awareness Month poster in your office during May to remind everyone to "Shout It Out!"
    Building Internal Audit Awareness Poster
    International Internal Audit Awareness Month banner image
    This graphic serves as a reminder to celebrate International Internal Audit Awareness Month during May.
    International Internal Audit Awareness Month Logo (Optimized for the Web)
    This 750 pixel PNG image has been optimized for the web.
    International Internal Audit Awareness Month Logo (Print Quality)
    This 750 pixel JPG image is suitable for printing.
    International Internal Audit Awareness Month Reminder Message
    Media Relations Primer
    This document provides guidance for working with the media and includes tips for establishing spokespersons, suggested topics to pitch to the media, tips for publicity, steps for making a media pitch, and additional guidance for spokespersons.
    News Release Tips and Sample News Release Template
    This document features tips on how to prepare a news release and includes a sample template for a news release.
    Proclamation Guidelines and Procedures
    This document outlines the recommended guidelines and procedures for requesting a proclamation.
    Sample Lesson Plan
    Sample Letter to the Editor
    This is an example of an opinion editorial (op-ed) article that promotes internal auditing. It was published in a local newspaper in Orlando, Fla.
    Stakeholders' Panel Discussion
    This document includes steps for holding a stakeholder panel discussion during an IIA chapter meeting.
    Suggested Wording for the Proclamation
    This template offers suggested wording for a special proclamation recognizing May as International Internal Audit Awareness Month from your state governor, city major, head of state, or other well-known official.
    Your Internal Audit Team
    This PowerPoint presentation helps you explain to others in your organization what they can expect from your internal audit team.
2021 دعوة للخبراء / المتحدثين للمحتوى والأحداث الافتراضية

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية 2021 Call for Experts/Speakers for Content and Virtual Events
الأربعاء, 21 سبتمبر 2022 13:16

بناء خارطة طريق للنجاح

مهنة تدقيق أفضل

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Step 1: Establish Your Starting Point — Know Where You Are
    Explore how you feel about your current role, brand, talents, strengths, weaknesses, and competency level. Be introspective and ask yourself: Am I satisfied with my role and how others view me? What knowledge, skills, and abilities do I bring to the table?

    To better understand your knowledge and abilities, assess your current competency with The IIA's Internal Audit Competency Framework. Determine your competency level within the 22 knowledge areas among four disciplines: Professionalism, Performance, Environment, and Leadership and Communications.

    Step 2: Set Your Direction — Identify Where You Want to Go
    Remember what it felt like in college once you determined your major and knew your end goal? Career development planning can provide you with that same sense of direction. You can pinpoint both interim stops and the ultimate destination for your career over the next five years while building your plan. Some simple actions to help you set your direction include:

    Discuss career opportunities with supervisors, colleagues, and mentors.
    Share interests and seek insights on their perceptions of you, your performance, and your potential.
    Reflect on your current organizational environment. How is it evolving to meet stakeholder needs? How are expectations of your role and function changing, and how can you add value?

    In addition, ask yourself these questions to set your direction:

    Is my immediate focus on developing new skills to enrich my current job performance?
    Is my next career step lateral, up, or over in another organization? What experiences do I need?
    What specific role do you have your sights set on? What skills do you need to develop?
    What do I want to achieve in the next one, three, and five years?
    Step 3: Plan Your Journey — Explore How You Will Get There
    Remember, no two career journeys are the same. While you may move through the same sequence of roles as another person, you have unique strengths and development opportunities to leverage. Map your path by exploring the requirements and competencies for the positions you aspire to over the next five years. Focus on capitalizing on your strengths and addressing opportunities to get where you want to be. Review the job descriptions that interest you the most to:

    Determine the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics you need to secure those positions.
    Identify the specific skills, experiences, and knowledge you need to acquire for your year one, year three, and year five stops on your career journey.

    Use the Internal Audit Competency Framework to identify competency gaps.

    Step 4: Map Your Route — Document Actions, Measures, and Timelines
    Commit to achieving your career goals — document the specific actions you will take, timelines for completion, and how each activity supports your objectives. Determine which activities will be most beneficial to you on your career journey. These activities might include:

    Staying up-to-date on practices, knowledge, and emerging trends in the profession through online content, news sources, publications, and more.
    Pursuing additional education, training, or professional certification.
    Engaging in mentoring programs as a mentor or mentee.
    Participating in networking and volunteering activities.
    Assuming additional tasks or challenging responsibilities within your current role.
    Leading collaborative projects, developing reports, and presenting findings.
    Step 5: Monitor Your Progress and Course-correct
    Create an accountability mechanism by sharing your plan with a supervisor or mentor, and discuss your progress quarterly to stay on track with your career journey. You may encounter detours, roadblocks, or take side roads, so establishing regular check-ins with those you admire and respect can help you course-correct or adjust your plan to accommodate new destinations.

قم بتدريب فريق التدقيق الداخلي الخاص بك عن طريق تجميع أي مجموعة من الخيارات عبر الإنترنت مع مجموعة تدريب IIA

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية IIA Group Training: Get on Board
    Refocus on Your Team in 2021 With IIA Group Training
    Train your team by bundling any combination of online options with IIA Group Training. We’ll even bring IIA Training to your location. No matter what your team development needs, The IIA will tailor our training to meet your goals with the latest talent assessment tools and professional development techniques — all based on The IIA’s Internal Audit Competency Framework©.

    Our process is proven. Your results will be renowned.

    01 Assess 02 Identify 03 Create
    Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) Training Needs Based on Competency Framework Tailored and Flexible Team Development Plan
    Evaluate your internal audit department’s Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) every five years to:
    Meet requirements of the Standards
    Adhere to the Code of Ethics
    Identify areas for improvement
    Build a QAIP
    Sustain an existing QAIP
    Receive a tailored talent development plan based on individual and team needs – all aligned with the Competency Framework to:
    Maintain a consistent learning pathway
    Operate from the same “playbook”
    Strengthen competencies
    Hit your goals
    Get tailored delivery options — livestreaming, on-demand, or a combination — for the latest courses, including:
    NEW! Examining Cybersecurity Concepts
    NEW! Assessing Ethics in Your Organization
    CIA Exam Preparation Instructor-led Course Part 1: Essentials of Internal Auditing
    CIA Exam Preparation Instructor-led Course Part 2: Practice of Internal Auditing
    CIA Exam Preparation Instructor-led Course Part 3: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
    ​Learn More Group Training Inquiry ​Group Trainng Inquiry
    blue gradient rule

    Get on board.

    Discover all the benefits of group training

    Internal Audit Competency FrameworkFill Skill Gaps With Competencies
    NEW! The IIA’s Internal Audit Competency Framework© provides clear and concise professional development pathways, tools, and techniques that evolve with current risk environment and career level. Audit leaders and CAEs can use it as an onboarding resource and multi-year training plan to fill skill gaps.

    We’ve mapped it out. You can make it work.
الأربعاء, 10 فبراير 2021 15:24

برامج جوائز معهد المدققين الداخليين IIA

تعرف برامج الجوائز العديدة بالمساهمات في مهنة التدقيق الداخلي ومعهد المدققين الداخليين في مجالات مثل الخدمة والبحث والشهادة والكتابة لمنشورات معهد المدققين الداخليين

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية ​IIA Awards Programs
    Numerous awards programs recognize contributions to the internal audit profession and The IIA in areas such as service, research, certification, and writing for IIA publications.

    Service/Recognition Awards
    2021 Call for Global Service Award Nominations is now open through 12 February 2021.

    Call for Award Nominations

    Nomination Form

    William G. Bishop III, CIA Lifetime Achievement Award
    The William G. Bishop III, CIA Lifetime Achievement Award was established to recognize individual members who, through a lifetime of accomplishments and dedication to The IIA, have impacted the practice of internal auditing, advanced the awareness of The IIA, and inspired professionals around the world to make a difference in our profession and in the organizations we serve.

    Victor Z. Brink Award for Distinguished Service
    The Victor Z. Brink Award for Distinguished Service was established to recognize individuals who, over time, have given extraordinary service to the profession of internal auditing through participation in the activities of The IIA.

    Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award
    The Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award is a tribute to the memory of Bradford Cadmus — author, educator, researcher, and the first managing director of The Institute.

    Research Awards
    Michael J. Barrett Doctoral Dissertation Grant
    To encourage internal audit studies by doctoral candidates, The Internal Audit Foundation offers the Michael J. Barrett Doctoral Dissertation Grant.

    Esther R. Sawyer Research Award
    The annual Esther R. Sawyer Research Award from the Internal Audit Foundation is granted to an individual entering or currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level or who has completed a program in internal auditing at a participating Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) program school. The award is based on submission of an original manuscript on a specific topic related to modern internal auditing.

    Larry Sawyer Research Foundation Project of the Year Award
    The annual Larry Sawyer Research Foundation Project of the Year Award recognizes a published research or educational project that most closely aligns with Larry Sawyer’s vision of moving the profession forward by addressing an emerging issue relevant to internal audit. A committee made up of members of the Research Foundation Board of Trustees and the Committee of Research and Education Advisors makes its selection from all the projects completed in the previous year.

    Certification Awards
    William S. Smith Award
    The William S. Smith Award is named in honor of The IIA's first chairman of the Board of Regents, a former IIA chairman of the board, and a driving force behind the development of the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) program. Awards are based on individual performance on the core exam parts (parts 1, 2, and 3). With year-round testing, award recipients must pass each exam part on their first attempt within one year of taking the first exam part.

    Writing Awards
    Ted Keys Award
    The Ted Keys Award — named in honor of the late Elmer Theodore Keys, Jr., a long-time regular writer for an Internal Auditor magazine department — is presented each year for the most outstanding article submitted to one of the magazine’s departments. Winning articles are selected for outstanding quality, clear presentation of ideas, practicality, and relevance to the continuing practice of internal auditing.

    John B. Thurston Award
    The Board of Directors of The Institute established the John B. Thurston Award in March 1952 as a tribute to the memory of its first international president and an eminent authority in the field of internal auditing. The award is made annually to the author of that article published in Internal Auditor that is voted to be the outstanding paper in the field of internal auditing.

سيخلف الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لجمعية كاليفورنيا للمحاسبين القانونيين أنتوني بوجليس القائد القديم لمعهد المدققين الداخليين، ريتشارد تشامبرز

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية CalCPA chief picked as new IIA CEO
    By Michael Cohn

    California Society of CPAs president and CEO Anthony Pugliese will be succeeding the longtime leader of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Richard Chambers, as the IIA’s new president and CEO at the end of March.

    The IIA announced Tuesday that Pugliese will be taking the reins of the Lake Mary, Florida-based organization when Chambers steps down March 31. Chambers announced his retirement last year after leading the IIA for 12 years, and the institute engaged executive search firm Korn Ferry to find a replacement (see story). They identified Pugliese as a strong candidate to succeed Chambers.

    Apart from his experience leading CalCPA -- the largest state CPA society, with 45,000 members -- Pugliese was also a longtime official at the American Institute of CPAs and later the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. From 1997 through 2018, he held important leadership positions at the AICPA, including chief operating officer; executive vice president of membership, technology and learning; senior vice president; and vice president of business reporting and member innovation. Among other things he oversaw the AICPA’s $50 million relocation from New York to North Carolina.

    Pugliese initially plans to meet with other officials and members at the IIA to hear about their concerns as he works closely with Chambers during the transition period. He sees opportunities ahead for the organization, even as it adjusts to new ways of working during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “We’ve seen a deepening of the role for internal audit,” Pugliese told Accounting Today. “It’s understanding the trajectory of internal audit and continuing a broadening role across the profession. There’s just so much going on. We’re looking at a whole range of new risks and opportunities for the profession right now. Our primary goals are growth and to make sure we’re doing the advocacy that’s necessary for the changing times.”

    Institute of Internal Auditors incoming president and CEO Anthony PugliesePhoto by Richard Morgenstein
    He is seeing more advanced technology being used by auditors and wants to encourage early involvement of students in the profession. “We have a digital transformation that we’re working on not just at IIA, but also the transformation that has to occur across the profession,” said Pugliese. “By that I mean blockchain, AI, modernization of systems, etc., and making sure we've got our eyes set on the next generation of internal auditors, beginning in high school and early college years.”

    As CEO of the IIA, Pugliese will manage the nearly 80-year-old organization, which boasts more than 200,000 members, 156 chapters and 112 affiliates in nearly 200 countries and territories. He plans to focus on improving membership services, creating new approaches to learning and competency development programs, completing the IIA’s multimillion-dollar digital transformation initiative, and enhancing the value of internal audit, especially when it comes to addressing organizational risks and opportunities.

    “We are thrilled to welcome Anthony to the IIA,” said IIA global chair Jenitha John in a statement Tuesday. “He is an articulate, well-informed, passionate and results-driven leader with a consistent track record of great successes that inspire and benefit not only his organizations but, importantly, the members they serve. His strategic direction, coupled with his insight of internal audit’s evolution and the instrumental role technology holds for its future, will help the IIA grow and build value for our members and customers around the world.”

    Pugliese has been frequently recognized as one of the Most Influential People in the profession by Accounting Today. He holds the AICPA's Chartered Global Management Accountant and Certified Information Technology Professional credentials, and is licensed as a CPA in California, Georgia and North Carolina.

    Priorities for the future

    He has worked on encouraging more diversity, equity and inclusiveness in the profession at both the AICPA and CalCPA. At CalCPA, he has also been working on a project with the Institute of Management Accountants on a study of diversity and inclusion in the profession. He and IMA president and CEO Jeff Thomson plan to discuss the topic during an online event on Thursday.

    “All facets of the profession today are facing this problem,” said Pugliese. “The problem maybe has gotten better as far as underrepresented populations moving into the profession. But what we're seeing now is those that do are leaving at a disproportionate rate, so that would lead us to believe the problem is still in existence. The goal of the research with the IMA is to really get down to not just strategies on how to improve diversity within the profession, but really what's causing the problem to begin with. A lot of people have different ideas and a lot of companies with the best intentions tend to approach the problem by making sure they hire enough people that have backgrounds in underrepresented populations. But that really doesn't get to the root of the problem, which is feelings of inclusiveness and so forth. We’re looking at that now, and I'm really excited to look at it within the internal audit profession soon after I get started.”

    Another priority for Pugliese will be educating members about the latest audit technology. “A lot of the time internal audit is acting as a complement to external audit,” he said. “They're going to be using a lot of the tools that external audit uses. That’s one angle where we need to have education across the profession so our members understand what’s being done on the external audit. For the most part they do, but technology continues to change.”

    The Institute of Internal Auditors partners with other organizations besides the IMA. It’s part of an initiative called the Anti-Fraud Collaboration with the Center for Audit Quality, Financial Executives International and the National Association of Corporate Directors. Together, they released a report Tuesday analyzing fraud trends in recent years based on enforcement actions by the Securities and Exchange Commission (see story).

    “Internal audit is always focused, at least in my experience, on fraud and fraud prevention, making sure to be alerted to the risks that are present there,” said Pugliese. “I oversaw the internal audit function for 15 years at AICPA. When I left, it had actually evolved into a pretty large team and that was one of their primary goals. I think where internal audit became even more valuable in that experience for me was when AICPA went global in 2016. Companies that are global have such a range of controls and regulation concerns that they have to deal with. As we become more and more global as a community across the planet, I think there is a much wider role for internal audit, and they’ve probably been operating in that for a long time.”

    Pugliese has already begun working with Chambers during the transition. “We intentionally have about a month of overlap,” he said. “But Richard and I have already started our calls on a regular basis, so I think it’s a bit more like three months of us being able to work together and gain from his vast knowledge.”

    He has been reading Chambers’ books, such as “Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail.”

    “I'm beginning to get more and more entrenched into what he’s learned and his perspectives,” said Pugliese. “That’s been very helpful. Richard and I are going to be working closely. I'm sure he'll be OK if I call him after his last days. He’s been a fixture in the profession for over 12 years, and before that. He's been a great mentor.”
الصفحة 2 من 6


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

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