عرض العناصر حسب علامة : الفوترة
ميزات المحاسبة التي تعمل على تحسين تجربة العميل
يُعد إثراء تجربة العميل محركًا رئيسيًا في الأعمال المستدامة. هذا هو السبب في أن كل جانب من جوانب عمليتك، وخاصة المحاسبة، يجب أن يعطيها الأولوية. إلى جانب المساعدة في إدارة عمليات الخصم والائتمان، تعد المحاسبة إحدى الطرق التي تتواصل بها مع العملاء. ستساعدك هذه المقالة في معرفة كيف يمكن أن تساعدك ميزات المحاسبة الصحيحة في تحسين تجربة العميل.
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المحتوى بالإنجليزية
ollowing is a guest post submitted by a contributor.
Enriching the customer experience is a key driver in sustainable business. That’s why every facet of your operation, particularly accounting, should prioritize it. Besides helping manage debits and credits, accounting is one of the ways you connect with customers. The way you manage finances and collect accounting data will also impact how you build customer bonds. This piece will look at how the right accounting features can help you improve the customer experience.
How can accounting improve the customer experience?
There are three primary ways accounting can boost the customer experience.
Data insight – By being able to effectively aggregate and analyze the accounting data relating to your products, initiatives, and other key areas, you’ll have a clear insight into company performance. Specifically, you’ll be able to see areas that are creating a good customer experience and generating more engagement and sales. You can also examine areas that are not creating positive customer engagement. A strong accounting system will give you a full 360-degree view of how each area of your business is performing and meeting goals. Armed with this info, you can then apply improvements.
Smooth billing and accounting cycles – No customer likes dealing with billing mistakes or confusion with payments. By making the billing and invoicing processes efficient and user-friendly, you will make it easier for them to keep doing business with you. Making these areas more streamlined, accurate, and transparent will mean you and your customers save time and money.
Security and privacy – Web-based transactions and systems are vulnerable to attack. One of the worst customer experiences is having their identity and/or money stolen. You can avoid this with security-focused accounting practices and technology. Assuring your customers of their safety encourages more business and positive customer experience with each payment.
Accounting features that improve the customer experience
The proficiency or these accounting areas is heavily dependent on the tools you’re using. Here are some critical features you should look for.
System flexibility
System flexibility plays a critical, overarching role in these features. This must be the central quality of your accounting tool because this dictates how you will optimize the processes of your accounting to improve customer experience. Specifically, look for customization and configuration options that allow you to fully control the accounting processes as you desire.
Automated billing and other accounting functions improve both work efficiency and customer experience. For example, invoices can be scheduled and sent out on certain dates and cycles automatically. This eliminates work and allows for a simple accounting lifecycle for both parties.
Custom billing
Personalizing your service goes a long way in showing that you value your customer and it makes their lives easier. This is particularly true when it’s time to pay. Being able to dictate the layout, breakdown, and timing of invoices makes the experience of payment more streamlined in itself. This also eliminates confusion and errors. Customers can examine their unique information more clearly and proceed from there either with payment or in follow-ups.
Customer data tracking
Being able to safely accumulate and analyze relevant customer data will help you improve the products and services you provide. Tracking purchasing amounts, service data, time, costs, and other relevant notes will help you tailor your customer service and delivery to secure more sales. You’ll also see what’s working with your customer relationship, like products that they’re most interested in, or seeing how staff are engaging customers to enhance their experience. All this data and more should be accessible to your staff in order to make improvements. Again, this also makes the entire work process faster and easier to manage too. Example: information can be stored on the customer account record and automatically flow through to customer invoices without extra steps.
Easy customer emails
Smooth communication is valuable for the customer experience, especially with money involved. Being able to send a secure email within the accounting system keeps communication faster and more precise. Records of these emails should be logged and easily tracked to render efficient service and responses. Having access to unique email templates and pdf formats tailored for each customer will help with payment processing too.
A secure accounting system ensures a protected customer and a safe business relationship. A fully-secure accounting system is a must on the cloud; data threats are only amping up. Any kind of data theft or loss whether due to internal or external factors damages both your company and your customers. It’s your responsibility to safeguard their personal and financial data. By doing so, you also protect your company. You do this by utilizing an accounting system that is equipped with a strong security-focused infrastructure, including encryption capabilities, as well as internal control features. Internal control features allow you to assign restrictions within your accounting system to eliminate costly errors and control access to viral data. You’ll also want to make sure your accounting tool follows Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards for safely storing payment information.
"الزكاة والضريبة والجمارك": 30 يومًا متبقية على تطبيق الفوترة الإلكترونية
دعت هيئة الزكاة والضريبة والجمارك، مكلفيها الخاضعين للائحة الفوترة الإلكترونية، إلى المسارعة في الاستعداد اللازم لتهيئة منشآتهم بمتطلبات المرحلة الأولى، والمتبقي عليها 30 يومًا، حيث ستدخل حيز التنفيذ في 4 ديسمبر 2021م.
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- البلد الأردن
مقالات .. الفوترة الإلكترونية تنقل التجارة الداخلية لعصر الرقمنة
كاتب المقالة : محمد العنقري
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- البلد الأردن
أفضل استراتيجيات إدارة العملاء لشركات المحاسبة
كثيرًا ما نلاحظ أن مالكي شركات المحاسبة يهتمون كثيرًا بعملائهم. ومع ذلك، يعتقد العديد من الأفراد الذين يغيرون شركاتهم أنهم لم يتلقوا الرعاية المناسبة من محاسبهم السابق.
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المحتوى بالإنجليزية
Better client management strategies for accounting firms
By Jason Schow and Jason Blumer
March 09, 2021, 11:35 a.m. EST
6 Min Read
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We frequently observe that accounting firm owners care a lot for their clients. Still, many individuals who change firms believe they didn’t receive the appropriate care from their previous accountant. There is a clear disconnect regarding the accounting professional’s intent.
This is a phenomenon that we directly experience with some new clients. They typically tell us that their last firm wasn’t proactive enough and didn’t provide the value they expected. Yet from interactions with hundreds of accounting professionals, we have seen firsthand that they generally care very much for the people they work with.
So how can the accounting profession provide clients with a high-value service that reflects the firm’s concern? The answer may be in the creation of an efficient client management strategy — an aspect that is often not given the proper attention as firms grow.
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Client management is an essential aspect of leading and running a professional accounting firm efficiently and providing ongoing value to clients. Also, as your clients are the firm’s source of revenue, they are obviously central to your company’s sustainability and growth.
It is a good idea to manage each clients’ entire journey versus expecting them to decide how, when, and what they purchase from the firm.
A client management strategy has a model that each firm can follow to make sure they are providing the client care needed to keep their firm running and developing. Overlooking this ecosystem can impact resources and result in clients receiving a lower level of service.
There are three stages where client management is particularly important: onboarding, pricing, and more generally in your business model.
Client onboarding
This is the first step when you start working with a new client before they receive any services. Something that has stood out as good practice during this phase is to make sure the clients you take on are a good fit for the way you do business. This is key to building a sustainable firm that you and your staff enjoy.
The process of new client intake can be slowed down to a point where you can create a place for value judgments, where both you and the potential clients can decide to work together or not. When the sales process is slowed down like this, you can give comfort to the client while increasing the perceived value of your work.
Some aspects — or the entire process — can be virtualized, for example by using Zoom conferences and shared documents. It is now possible to operate a virtual firm, and with the current pandemic situation, it is even an encouraged practice.
The ultimate goal in the client-onboarding phase should be to align with the potential client, dive into real discovery of their needs, and prepare them to be priced.
Pricing is the second phase and happens before the service begins. Determining value in pricing is generally a skill that takes time and practice to master. Here are some questions we suggest asking potential new clients to help define price:
Why are you looking for a new accountant? Why now?
What do you hope to achieve in working with our firm? What do you see in us that made you interested?
How will we know this is successful?
What has stopped your company from resolving this in the past? What might stop your company from achieving these results in the future?
What will your company look like in two years?
What keeps you up at night?
What gets you up in the morning?
What have you valued about past relationships with financial coaches or advisors?
If working with our firm requires more time from you, can you commit that time? What are you willing to say no to for our collaboration to be a success?
What are all the issues to be addressed?
Did we get it right? What did we not ask that we should have?
Here are some practical observations on different types of pricing:
Hourly billing lends itself to a faster, more commodity-based firm business model. Hourly billing takes no client assessment, no conversations as to what the client may value, and puts the client in control to let the firm know what to do. Hourly billing is the fastest form of running a firm, as it takes little time to bring new clients into the firm. Any client is welcome in a billing firm.
Fixed pricing applies a single price to a service that is offered by the firm. Note that this is different from value pricing, where only the client has a price. Firms that offer monthly packages are doing fixed pricing.
Value billing is another form of hourly billing, yet takes it one step further. When the bill is calculated, a value markup is applied if the client perceives higher value than when the services were started. This is a difficult model to operate within since the influence of value with a client begins at the outset of a relationship, not after the work has been completed.
Value pricing is the slowest form of a firm’s business model. In a value-pricing firm, there are essentially no prices for services. Only the clients have prices since all services can (and are) sold to them for different prices depending on what they value most.
Firms do not have to exclusively adopt one model of pricing or billing but can instead weigh their benefits and apply the different models to different client groups or to different divisions of a firm (in large organizations). For example, firms offering advisory services would lend themselves to value pricing done by the owners of the firm, while the accounting and tax recurring revenue of many firms is suitable for a fixed pricing model.
No matter which model of pricing is chosen in your client management strategy, value is the core component to help the client and firm align on the goals and payment of the service.
Business model
The business model is the final phase where service happens and is the team structure you use to deliver services.
The way you manage your company’s capacity is fundamental to your firm being able to create efficient profit. There are several pillars to capacity management:
Time and location: These are the more controllable aspects of capacity. A firm can request their team work a certain amount of time in locations that afford the greatest productivity and use of that capacity.
Mind and emotions: These elements are generally not controllable. These are simply what the humans working in the firm bring with them each day. They are not strategic at all, and you never know when issues may appear and prevent the professional from focusing on their work. Leaders of the firm should be able to identify any team inefficiencies if they want to create profit for their growth, investment, and distributions. Managing and strategically predicting capacity is the key to turning the right amount of revenue into efficient profit.
Project management: This is the management of the scope of your services, the assignment of work to the team members, and the management of related software products that this management resides in. Project management is the foundation of service and is how a firm owner knows what work is flowing through their firm and what is being managed properly.
This is a high-level overview of the client management journey, and we hope it helps as you navigate this topic. Client management is an important matter in any firm. Without a strong vision about what this means, both firm owners and clients will struggle. Tackling topics like client management sets a firm apart to provide immense value, which in turn justifies higher prices in the marketplace they serve.