عرض العناصر حسب علامة : جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين
تم الإعلان عن معدلات النجاح لامتحان جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين في يونيو 2023
تم الإعلان عن معدلات النجاح من قبل ACCA (جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين) للطلاب الذين أجروا امتحاناتهم في يونيو 2023
حصلت جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين (ACCA) على اعتماد التدقيق في جنوب إفريقيا
مسار المدقق الجديد لأعضاء جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين (ACCA) يزيد من الفرص ويعزز مهنة التدقيق في جنوب إفريقيا
مركز دراسة جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين
تنمية المهارات للمهنيين الماليين
في هذا الحدث في الأسبوع الأخضر للاتحاد الأوروبي لعام 2023، ستجمع جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين (ACCA) والمحاسبة الأوروبية والاتحاد الدولي للمحاسبين (IFAC)
معلومات إضافية
- البلد عالمي
- نوع الفعالية مجانا
- بداية الفعالية الخميس, 08 يونيو 2023
- نهاية الفعالية الخميس, 08 يونيو 2023
- التخصص محاسبة ومراجعة
- مكان الفعالية اونلاين
تعاون بين جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين مع معهد النمذجة المالية
يمنح معهد النمذجة المالية (FMI) مجتمع جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين (ACCA) ميزة تنافسية إضافية من خلال تزويدهم بفرصة لتمييز مهاراتهم بشكل أكبر والتقدم في حياتهم المهنية من خلال إكمال اعتماد عارض النماذج المالية المتقدم على مستوى عالمي.
معلومات إضافية
المحتوى بالإنجليزية
The Financial Modeling Institute (FMI) gives the ACCA community a further competitive edge by providing them with the opportunity to further distinguish their skills and progress their careers by completing its world-class Advanced Financial Modeler accreditation.
The Financial Modeling Institute (FMI), the only financial modelling accreditation body in the world, serving candidates in over 50 countries, announced today its collaboration with ACCA. The new partnership highlights both organisations’ commitment to provide the most relevant, cutting-edge education in the field. ACCA members will have the opportunity to obtain FMI’s Level 1 Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) accreditation, enabling them to differentiate themselves by demonstrating that they have the advanced financial modelling skills most valued by employers worldwide. FMI is recognized globally for providing the most respected accreditations in financial modelling.
“Financial modelling has never been more important for accountants, and our new partnership with FMI provides our members with the ability to further strengthen their value to any company or organisation,” said Reza Ali, Director of Learning and Commercial at ACCA. “FMI provides accreditation unlike any other finance qualification, it sets the standard in financial modelling because it teaches candidates to elegantly structure, efficiently build, and clearly communicate. This collaboration will have an important role in leading our members into the future of the accounting profession.”
“We’re thrilled to be able to partner with ACCA to provide them with a new accreditation that allows its members to clearly demonstrate their hands-on abilities,” said Ian Schnoor, Executive Director of the FMI. “We are committed to developing and delivering accreditation programs that allow candidates to significantly advance their careers. The Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) program covers the design and creation of a best-in-class three-statement model of a company that adheres to industry best practices. To be able to offer our programs to ACCA’s 241,000 members in 178 countries and regions is an honour.”
ACCA Chief Executive Helen Brand said: “This exciting accreditation marks the global gold-standard for financial modelling, so we’re delighted to be working with FMI on this. Through this partnership and by offering this qualification we’re supporting our members’ career success as well as opening the door to connections with fellow professionals.”
ACCA members interested in obtaining FMI’s AFM accreditation can find more information and enrol at the ACCA Learning website.
يستكشف استطلاع اتجاهات المواهب العالمية السنوي الجديد لجمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين مستقبل مهنة المحاسبة
في واحدة من أكبر الدراسات على الإطلاق عبر مهنة المحاسبة - مع أكثر من 8400 مشارك في 148 دولة - يوفر استطلاع اتجاهات المواهب العالمية السنوي الجديد لعام 2023 الصادر عن جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين (ACCA) نظرة فريدة وحيوية عن شعور الناس حيال حياتهم في العمل.
معلومات إضافية
المحتوى بالإنجليزية
In one of the largest ever studies across the accountancy profession—with more than 8,400 respondents across 148 countries— the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) new annual Global Talent Trends Survey 2023 provides a unique and vital view of how people feel about their life at work.
The resulting report found that the biggest transformation for over a generation ushers in a new era in the world of work: 44% expect to move roles in the next 12 months, inflation is fueling wage demands, concerns over burnout are growing, and the adoption of hybrid working has some way to go.
Over 8000 professional accountants from 148 countries including the US and Canada were asked about the concerns they held around work in the future as well as aspirations for their careers. The survey also assessed key workplace issues such as employee engagement, wellbeing, and attitudes to technology adoption.
ACCA’s research highlights a talent crunch for employers as they struggle to retain staff with big career mobility ambitions and an eye on their next role. Meanwhile the biggest worry for employees is the impact of inflation on salaries, as well as workplace stress.
At a time of significant workforce change and a challenging global economic climate, our survey indicates that a career in accountancy remains a smart choice for those seeking long-term career prospects and possibilities to continually acquire new skills. The opportunity to acquire a professional qualification which affords cross-sectoral and international mobility further adds to the perception that choosing accountancy leads to a career with choices and flexibility. Seven key themes that emerged from analyzing global and North American responses are:
The inflation crisis continues to fuel wage pressures and creates retention challenges.
Hybrid working is “work in progress”, with 57% of respondents globally citing they are working back in the office full time. Canada is one of the leaders in hybrid working with 58% hybrid, 25% fully remote and only 17% fully office based.
Addressing burnout has to be a priority with 71% respondents globally wanting more help from their organizations to manage their mental health. Canadian respondents were split over whether their mental health suffered because of pressure of work (50% agree 45% disagree).
Job mobility is driving a possible talent crunch for employers – 44% expect to move to their next role in 12 months, rising to 69% over the next two years.
Technology is now seen to be empowering accountants to add value, but 42% suggest they feel overwhelmed by the sheer pace of change.
Inclusion measures score well with 68% feeling their organization culture is inclusive, but concerns particularly by younger respondents are expressed on social mobility.
Accountancy provides career security in turbulent times, with younger people prioritizing career development, financial reward and money rather than broader ambitions to address wider social issues through the jobs they perform.
“Employers are adapting and experimenting with new ways of working across the workforce,” said Jamie Lyon, Head of Skills, Sectors and Technology at ACCA. “Career development and remuneration are the top two attraction factors to an organization, yet they’re also the two areas which have the most influence on employees’ decisions to leave.”
“Attracting the next generation of talent to the accountancy profession is vital to healthy economies,” said Jillian Couse, head of ACCA North America. “ACCA’s inaugural annual talent trends survey ensures the voice of those studying and working in the profession is heard, and that the profession helps create a working environment where tomorrow’s talent wants to be.”
الإعلان عن معدلات النجاح لامتحان جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين في ديسمبر 2022
تم الإعلان عن معدلات النجاح من قبل ACCA (جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين) للطلاب الذين أجروا امتحاناتهم في ديسمبر 2022.
شراكة لدعم وتطوير مهنة المحاسبة في الإمارات
أبرمت جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين وجمعية المحاسبين والمراجعين الإماراتيين شراكة لدعم وتطوير مهنة المحاسبة في الإمارات.
مجلس المعايير المحاسبية الدولية للقطاع العام يرحب بمساهمة جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين في تعزيز تقارير استدامة القطاع العام
رحب مجلس المعايير المحاسبية الدولية للقطاع العام (IPSASB) بمساهمة ACCA (رابطة المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين) لدعم التطوير المقترح لإطار إعداد تقارير الاستدامة الخاص بالقطاع العام.
مهارات المستقبل بناء وظيفة مالية عامة مهنية
أصبح مشهد القطاع العام في جميع أنحاء العالم معقدًا بشكل متزايد، وهناك حاجة إلى مهارات المحاسبين المحترفين وخبراتهم ومبادئهم الأخلاقية الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى.
معلومات إضافية
- نوع الفعالية مجانا
- بداية الفعالية الجمعة, 02 ديسمبر 2022
- نهاية الفعالية الجمعة, 02 ديسمبر 2022
- التخصص محاسبة ومراجعة
- مكان الفعالية اونلاين