عرض العناصر حسب علامة : المحاسبين
جمعية الإمارات للمحاسبين تنضم لعضوية «الاتحاد الدولي»
صوّت مجلس الاتحاد الدولي للمحاسبين (IFAC ) وهو المنظمة العالمية لمهنة المحاسبة والتدقيق، التي تتخذ من مدينة نيويورك في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مقراً لها، بالإجماع على قبول انضمام جمعية الإمارات للمحاسبين والمدققين عضواً في الاتحاد الدولي للمحاسبين، وذلك خلال الاجتماع الرابع والخمسين للمجلس والمنعقد خلال شهر نوفمبر 2021.
معلومات إضافية
- البلد الإمارات العربية المتحدة
الهيئة السعودية تستعرض أبرز إنجازاتها في تقريردور مهنة المحاسبة في بناء اقتصاد مزدهر
"المركزى للمحاسبات المصري" يعدل شروط قيد المحاسبين فى سجل المراقبين بالبنوك
أصدر المستشار هشام بدوى، رئيس الجهاز المركزى للمحاسابات، القرار رقم 1124 لسنة 2019 بشأن تعديل القرار رقم 40 لسنة 2014 والخاص بشروط قيد المحاسبين والمراجعين فى سجل مراقبى الحسابات بالبنوك والشركات المساهمة، وذلك تيسيراً على المحاسبين أعضاء سجل مراقبى الحسابات ممن يزاولون المهنة من خارج النطاق الحكومى بالجهاز.
معلومات إضافية
- البلد مصر
تحويل البيانات إلى أداة اتصالات قوية
العالم كله يتحدث عن البيانات الآن البيانات ليست جديدة على المحاسبة، ولكن ما تفعله بها موضوع مهم. السؤال الذي يطرحه الكثيرون لأنهم يتطلعون إلى أن يكونوا أكثر استشارية هو كيفية تقديم المعلومات المالية للعملاء دون أن تتأرجح أعينهم.
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المحتوى بالإنجليزية
Turn data into a powerful communications tool
By Jody Padar
November 03, 2021, 11:35 a.m. EDT
4 Min Read
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The whole world is talking about data right now. Data is not new to accounting, but what you do with it is a hot topic. The question many ask as they look to be more advisory is how to present financial information to clients without their eyes glazing over.
Even the best accountants and advisors can get lost in the numbers, which obviously don’t mean anything if the customer doesn’t understand them. Whether you’re talking to one person or a board of directors, you want to bring your facts and figures to life.
But first, why?
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It’s a simple question, but also a loaded one. There are still accountants who don’t feel like they need to be effective communicators, believe it or not. But technology has sort of caught up to all the number-crunching. Today, we no longer need to be the best at inputting or charting the numbers, we need to be better communicators.
“Most accountants don’t realize that they are speaking a foreign language and that foreign language is accounting,” said Peter Margarits, The Accidental Accountant. “And it takes a long time to master that foreign language.”
No wonder other people don’t find data as exciting as we do!
Keep it simple, stupid
Accountants can get stuck in their technical jargon easily because it’s where we live each and every day. We’re talking to our team and they get it. So it’s easy to forget that our business owners can look like a deer in the headlights. We need to make it simpler.
“We as accountants ... love to give them everything we think they want and then more. And I challenge accountants to think like Lincoln,” Margaritis said.
Remember how the Gettysburg address was so memorable but only about five minutes long? There was a guy who spoke before Lincoln that day — for two hours, Margaritis shared. No one really remembers that part.
“What information does your client need? Get out from behind your desk and find the story in the numbers,” he said.
Now, if you’re saying to yourself, “But Jody, we don’t have the full story because we only see the financial statement” — that’s true. So flip the conversation as if you’re a three-year-old. Margaritis shares the following sample questions:
“Why did this happen?”
Can you tell me more?”
“Why did this number change so dramatically from last period?”
“What happened within the business?”
Find the story behind the numbers by developing that client relationship. It will come over time but be ready to push a little when you need to. Even if the client seems to be getting a little defensive, Margaritis suggests reminding yourself to dig deeper because something’s there.
And this approach is more consultative than simply delivering the financial statement, which is where we want to evolve as a profession anyway.
How do I get comfortable?
Many accountants don’t consider themselves extroverted enough to be comfortable asking all sorts of questions of their clients. How to become comfortable having these types of conversations begins with getting out of that comfort zone, Margaritis said. Begin to accept failure, because you will probably say something wrong at some point.
“Overprepare,” he said. “And when we walk into a room, we throw that script away and we go off script because we’re trying to engage with the audience and have this conversation.”
He likened it to improv comedy, but that does take time, practice and effort. Don’t be discouraged.
Let’s have that conversation now
Now that you’ve overprepared, you totally rock the conversation with your client. It’s time to go back into your firm and present to your colleagues or the partner group. So many people are afraid of public speaking, but it’s necessary to move up within a firm.
Margaritis said to think of these internal firm-facing presentations as just another conversation. Because really, the conversation with the client was a presentation, just not how we’re normally used to thinking about it. Work on developing the presence of mind to free yourself, open up to questions and react to conversations and whatever else is thrown at you.
And “Don’t forget to breathe,” he said. “I know it sounds kind of weird, but we panic. We become shallow breathers.”
What happens next is that basically you’re restricting oxygen to your brain, and that causes you to fumble your words.
Anyone currently uncomfortable telling stories with numbers and presenting to a group or to a client should be careful not to “eat the whole elephant,” Margaritis advises.
“Pick one thing at a time for 30 to 60 days that we want to improve or start developing a habit. And then start working on another one and just continue to practice doing it every day,” he said.
Basically, do this until that one thing becomes part of your DNA. The process of including micro-habits in a daily routine is pretty similar to this.
It’s so important for accountants to continue to evolve so we can remain relevant in the future. The numbers will always be there. The stories can be harder to find but are much more valuable to our clients.
الأدوار الأكثر طلبًا التي تحتاجها الشركات لتحقيق انتعاش مالي قوي في عام 2021
مع استمرار الفرق المالية في مواجهة مشهد اقتصادي سريع التطور لأنها تتخذ قرارات مالية رئيسية، هناك مواقف محورية لمساعدة الشركات على التغلب على الضائقة المالية
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المحتوى بالإنجليزية
The Missing Pieces to Your Finance Team
As financial teams continue to face a rapidly evolving economic landscape as they make key financial decisions, there are pivotal positions to help companies overcome financial distress, and organizations across the country are taking note. Accounting and finance professionals have been some of the most highly sought-after talent in the last year, and some of the most challenging to hire with increased competition chasing after this small, skilled talent pool.
While entering a period of recovery following the financial crisis of 2020, companies need top accounting and finance talent to help support and strategize key areas of the business. Below, we share the top four titles companies are hiring for today.
In addition to leading an organization’s accounting, auditing and budgeting, Controllers and Assistant Controllers prepare forecasts of the business’ activity and financial position for the years ahead. They review journal entries for appropriate accounting treatment and documentation, while identifying and addressing issues impacting close and consolidation processes.
As many businesses in 2021 need to be hyperaware of their cash position during their financial recovery, accounting teams have a tighter turnaround in their reporting and a more detailed approach to cash management with companies focused on short-term budgets. Increased oversight of these processes by controllers is important to ensuring accuracy and timely reporting. Through sophisticated reporting and deep analysis of emerging patterns within the business, controllers help key stakeholders make informed decisions for a strong future.
Looking to add a Controller or Assistant Controller to your team? We can help. Contact us here.
Accounting Manager
Accounting Managers oversee operations and team performance of an organization’s accounting department. They assist with analyzing and reporting financial information, such as budgeting, and producing various financial reports for company leaders.
During a financial recovery, these professionals along with their teams, are responsible for reporting an accurate image of exactly how the business has been impacted financially and in what areas, helping organization leaders know where to focus efforts and where to trim back unnecessary expenditures.
Last year many budgets were slashed and have continually changed as companies operated with bare-bones resources, and accounting teams played a key role in helping manage the business’ finances. Skilled accounting professionals will continue to be essential to help company leadership know the status of the business at any given time, with a need for quicker turnaround and more detailed approach to cash management as companies come out of a recovery.
Looking to add Accounting Managers to your team? We can help. Contact us here.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts build, maintain and analyze regular reports and financial statements, tracking key business drivers to help with forecasting and budgeting. By analyzing past financial and investment data, as well as projecting future revenues and expenditures, financial analysts examine an organization’s financial data to help leadership make informed business decisions.
Highly skilled financial analysts are essential members to a finance team to help make sense of business trends and identify attributing factors to changes in the revenue stream. After a year in which businesses had to pivot quickly to meet changing demand and mitigate the impact of the pandemic, financial analysts are even more important to help companies track key revenue drivers to influence the organizations’ financial recovery strategy.
Looking to add Financial Analysts to your team? We can help. Contact us here.
Auditors and Audit Managers assess a company's finances and existing processes to help identify risk and assure legal compliance. They identify areas for improvement and help mitigate potential mistakes within ingrained processes. They also may help coordinate the implementation of improvement efforts.
Identifying areas of risk within a business is essential both during a financial crisis and especially in the recovery stage as companies build back up. With many stimulus packages and changing financial regulations, auditors help keep companies informed and compliant, while providing insight into ways to streamline the business’ financial processes.
Looking to add Auditors to your team? We can help. Contact us here.
We’re ready to help add financial talent to your team, either on an interim or permanent basis. Learn more here.
المحاسبون في عصر عدم اليقين الدائم
دور المحاسبين في التنمية الاقتصادية
دراسة ماجستير: دور نظام الرقابة الداخلية في تشخيص حالات الفساد المالي
نظراً للتطورات والتغيرات المتسارعة في مجالات الحياة المختلفة لاسيما وأن عصرنا الحالي يشهد ثورة هائلة في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، فلا تكاد تظهر تقنية جديدة حتى تليها تقنيات جديدة تحمل معها معارف وعلوم جديدة وأكثر حداثة من سابقاتها، ولقد اجتاحت هذه الثورة معظم ميادين الحياة وأصبحت هذه التقنيات الحديثة جزءاً مهما في نجاح وتطوير هذه الميادين لا سيما تلك التي تتعلق بالحياة الاقتصادية للمجتمع وذكل تزامناً مع ما تشهده بيئة الأعمال من منافسة شديدة
دراسة ماجستير: دور الرقابة على تكاليف جودة التصنيع في تحسين الأداء المالي لشركات الأدوية الأردنية
ثلاث نقاط ضعف للمحاسبين والماليين اليوم
في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.