عرض العناصر حسب علامة : CPA

سيطلق المعهد الأمريكي للمحاسبين القانونيين (AICPA) والرابطة الوطنية لمجالس المحاسبة الحكومية (NASBA) برنامجًا مبتكرًا للدراسات العليا بالتعاون مع جامعة تولين للتقدم المهني (SoPA).

لتحقيق الازدهار في بيئة المخاطر المعقدة والمتغيرة باستمرار، يبحث قادة الأعمال اليوم عن الطريقة الأكثر فاعلية للتخفيف من مجموعة من المخاطر المحتملة التي يمكن أن تعرقل المبادرات والعمليات الاستراتيجية.

أصدر المعهد الأمريكي للمحاسبين القانونيين (AICPA) أحدث مخططات CPA Examination® Blueprints، الوثيقة الرسمية للمحتوى المؤهل للتقييم في الامتحان. تستند المخططات إلى المعرفة والمهارات المطلوبة من CPA المرخص حديثًا لتلبية متطلبات الشركات وأصحاب العمل والعملاء.

الحقيقة هي أنه عندما يتعلق الأمر بأمن البيانات، لا يوجد شيء اليوم يمكن أن يحميك بنسبة 100٪ من أي هجوم إلكتروني ما لم ينقطع اتصالك بالإنترنت تمامًا.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Data Security: What Could Go Wrong?
    The reality is, when it comes to data security, zero risk does not exist. There is nothing on the market today that can 100% protect you from a cyberattack unless you completely disconnect yourself from the internet.

    In 2021, IBM reported that the average size of a data breach is 25,575 records, with each record costing the company $165 on average, and the total cost to a company averaging over $4.24+ million. It is critical that CPA firms implement proactive IT strategies using a multifaceted approach to protect their data security. Before we dig into the preventative strategies to combat threats, we need to understand what methods cybercriminals are taking to try and penetrate systems.
    What’s the Cyber Criminal’s End Game?
    Cyber criminals have countless reprehensible methods of conducting cybercrime, as noted below:

    Send out phishing emails. A phishing scam is when a nefarious source targets consumers by sending them an email which appears to be from a reliable source. The hacker asks the consumer to provide personal identifying information. The hacker then uses the information to invade the consumer’s accounts or to open new accounts.
    Collect personal information. The cyber criminal’s goal is to gather personal information to be used for other types of identity theft such as credit card or insurance fraud.
    Infect a computer with ransomware. The cybercriminal infects a computer with malicious malware which prevents access to files, systems, or networks, and requires payment of a ransom for their return.
    Access further accounts within an organization. Account takeovers can morph from a personal attack on a singular computer as an entry to compromise an entire system or network.
    The threat of account takeovers continues to evolve as the number of scenarios cyber criminals can use to gain access to victim’s accounts also evolves. It is important for C-suite executives and tech experts to understand their cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

    Why Would Global Cybercriminals Target CPA Firms?
    CPA firms are prime targets because of the sensitive, confidential, financial information accounting firms amass. Hackers target CPA firms for explicit information and then use the data to steal assets, ransom it, or sell the data to the highest bidder.

    Obtain confidential, personal data. Cybercriminals seek client data from CPA firms such as birthdays, Social Security numbers, and other personal information. The data is used to target and steal from specific clients or to sell the data to other criminals who specialize in identity theft.
    Attain financial information. Cyberattacks on accounting firms seek specific account numbers, tax records, credit card information, and employee identification numbers.
    Gain tax records. Cybercriminals file fraudulent tax returns from information obtained from CPA firms. They steal tax returns and use the information for additional identity theft.
    How to Minimize your Risk of a Cyberattack
    It is imperative that CPA firms, regardless of size or composition, have vigorous cybersecurity protections in place. The risk of cyberattacks is disproportionally higher for smaller and medium sized organizations, who tend to be much more reactive than proactive. Below are mitigating steps to help protect your firm from possible cyberattacks:

    Have a good backup strategy. Hackers tend to want to go for your backups first, making you more vulnerable during the attack. CPA firms should have multiple backups using different technologies and be physically removed from the network, so in case of a malware infection, the backup data does not become infected.
    Implement multi-factor authentication for everything. By requiring multiple factors to prove your identity during the login process, you can drastically reduce the chance of unauthorized access.
    Train employees about cybersecurity risks. Educating employees about cybercrime such as phishing, malware, and ransomware attacks is an effective strategy. CPA firms should create a culture of consistent security awareness to reduce the risk of cybersecurity breaches caused by human errors.
    Use Advanced Threat Prevent Technologies. Leverage Next Generation Antivirus (NGAV), Endpoint Telemetry Data, DNS Filtering, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Reputation Based Threat Prevention, Data Encryption – the more the better! These security technologies learn users’ habits and daily activities using behavioral detection, machine learning algorithms, and exploit mitigation so known and unknown threats can be anticipated, blocked, and immediately prevented.
    Patch all systems. Focus on patching any and all known, exploitable vulnerabilities.
    Store data and information in encrypted databases. Storing data in an encrypted database can deter cybercriminals from accessing the information.
    Prepare your organization. Have a cyber incident response and business continuity plan ready, to ensure critical functions and operations can remain running if technology systems are disrupted. If your IT systems go down, how will day-to-day account management and communication continue with personnel and clients? Make sure important contacts are up to date & test it regularly!
    Accounting firms are prime targets for cybercrime for specific reasons due to all the sensitive, confidential, and potentially lucrative information they have in their systems.
    How CPA Firms Can Shift their Risk
    Accounting firms have significant responsibilities to protect their clients’ information from potential global cybercriminals. Adhering to the CISA guidelines is an important, proactive plan for CPA firms. More specific cybersecurity strategies are examined below:

    Review cybersecurity insurance. C-suite executives should determine if specific cybercrime insurance coverage includes state-sponsored cyberattacks such as what might be initiated by outside threats. Check for 1st person vs 3rd party insurance coverage, ransomware coverage, and employ an attorney who understands cybersecurity review your cyber insurance coverage.
    Encourage a “security mindset” in employees. Require multifactor authentication, training on data security policies and procedures, and remind personnel that phishing is still the most common cyberattack modality.
    Enlist the help of IT security professionals. Engage with cybersecurity experts who can help reduce your level of risk through deploying stronger security technologies, preventative solutions, help guide and enforce evolving security best practices. Having a cybersecurity team available 24x7x365 monitoring threats is a great peace of mind.
    At the end of the day, cyberattacks can have a detrimental impact to firms. Don’t wait until it’s too late to develop an effective data security plan.
الإثنين, 19 سبتمبر 2022 09:33

استكشاف الأدوار في شركتك

لا يمكن أن يكون تركيزنا على التعليم أو الخبرة فقط، ولكن على من يمكنه القيام بالعمل الذي يجب القيام به.

الأحد, 11 سبتمبر 2022 11:55

الأتمتة في المحاسبة

نحن نعيش في عالم رقمي، حيث تلعب التكنولوجيا دورًا متزايدًا في كيفية عملنا وحياتنا. بالنسبة لـ CPA أو شركة المحاسبة، يمكن أن تكون مواكبة التطورات الجديدة صعبة.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية We’re living in a digital world, where technology increasingly has a role in how we work and live. For the CPA or small accounting firm, keeping pace with new advances can be overwhelming.

    After all, this is a profession where relentless deadlines and recurring tasks are par for the course. Yet it’s that relentless and repeating aspect of accounting work where automation can really shine—and shine a light on a better way to manage the workflow of your business.

    4 benefits of automating your practice (or workflow)
    Here’s the rub. To many, it seems daunting to consider automating what you do. Isn’t automation too complex and expensive for smaller firms? After all, you likely have proven practices and tools like Excel to keep you on track.

    Rather than ceding control, consider automation essential to gaining control and confidence. Whether you are a one-person operation or a small firm with a small team, or a growing firm with contract, full-time and part-time people, and many clients to handle, automation answers the call.

    Workflow automation gives accountants and bookkeepers added muscle and quick ROI. With the right tools, you can eliminate inefficient, manual hours required for repetitive tasks and focus on areas of greater impact, like expanding value-added services to clients.

    Here are four ways automation can help your practice:

    1. Track tasks and productivity with ease
    With quarterly filings and year-end closings, punctuated by daily tasks and evolving requirements throughout the year, you are juggling a lot of data all of the time. With automation, you can track every task and every deadline with ease. For example, recurring payroll deadlines should be automated, likewise with tax. If you are recreating monthly tasks or projects, you’re wasting time along with margins (and sanity). Automating your due date creation is essential to being more productive with your resources and your bottom line.

    2. Reporting metrics and ROI
    Accounting firms are prized for timely, accurate results. Automation can make it so much faster and easier to produce reports, synthesize metrics and analyze data. For example, you should be able to quickly run “done vs due” reports to instantly gauge how well you’re doing against fundamental productivity goals. Again, it is power within to do more with less to streamline your workload and path to ROI.

    3. Visibility into employee capacity and choke points
    Beyond the more mundane recurring tasks, automation software can provide greater clarity into who’s doing what, who’s next in the workflow, and where any issues or choke points may lie. Oftentimes, having something as simple as a “next week” work view can help you pinpoint upcoming fires—especially today. With so many firms struggling with staffing issues, it is your best bet for insights and answers.
    4. Increased collaboration
    When everyone on the team works with the same automated tool, you empower the whole team to stay on the right page. The right workflow software will make it easier to share information, connect with others, and collaborate to solve problems and meet critical deadlines for clients.

    In my work with accounting and bookkeeping firms of all sizes, I see a lot of diversity in how firms operate, their specialties and vertical focus. Yet there is a common trait I see post-automation. This profession can demand a lot of hours. Too many owners burn the midnight oil to keep all their clients and deadlines and tasks on track. Once they automate, they gain time back.

    Some simple math for you to consider. Automation can save on average 30 minutes a day. If your hourly rate is $100/hour, you can realize a savings of $12,000 in your time that can focus on other areas to improve and grow your firm such as marketing, sales, recruiting, and pricing optimization. Think about that.

    Your time is your most precious commodity. Use it wisely to manage your practice, serve your clients and grow your firm. Use tools that make you stronger, able to react faster, where you have critical data at your fingertips, not locked in a file cabinet.

    With the right workflow software automation in your practice, you gain a valuable asset for reclaiming your time, refocusing on client service and more profitable services, and growing your client base.

مع زيادة توفير الوقت والدقة ونمو العملاء والتوازن بين العمل والحياة التي توفرها الأتمتة، فلا عجب أن سوق الأتمتة المالية ينمو بسرعة.

تتيح برامج التقارير المرئية للمحاسبين القانونيين التواصل بشكل أكثر فعالية مع العملاء حيث يمكن أن تظهر الشركات بالتفصيل وضعها المالي وأين تتجه.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية 3 Ways Software Can Improve CPA-Client Communication
    Visual reporting software enables CPAs to communicate more effectively with clients. CPAs can show businesses in detail their financial status and where they are headed.
    CPAs are skilled in analyzing financial data and determining how it impacts the clients they serve. While this financial prowess is a valuable tool for businesses, effective communication is a skill that is equally important. Communication is so essential that 97 percent of employers said soft skills like communication were as important or more so than hard skills.

    While good communication is a key skill for CPAs, it does not always come naturally. It is often something that must be developed and worked on consistently. Luckily, in this day and age, there is often a technological tool to help. Along with working on interpersonal communication tactics, CPAs can take advantage of software to improve communication with clients.

    Be More Accessible

    Sometimes, the biggest hindrance to communication is the availability of a CPA when a client comes calling. CPAs can utilize technology to ensure they are accessible to their clients and their relationship of trust is not compromised by being hard to reach. CPAs do not need to be at a client’s beck and call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, making the effort to talk to clients regularly—even checking in outside normal hours—lets them know their CPA is a trusted member of their team.

    The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a sudden need to communicate from afar—and it showcased technology that makes it possible. CPAs can use video conferencing software to conduct virtual meetings from anywhere in the world. Firms can also put Voice Over Internet Protocol software to use, allowing CPAs to use a secure phone line from anywhere to communicate with clients while protecting their data. Using these software options ensures CPAs can be there for their clients when they need them most.

    Give Instant Feedback

    When clients have questions or concerns, they want to know their CPA is on the ball and ready to assist them. Great communicators are quick to respond and provide feedback, reassuring clients that they are in good hands. Enter cloud-based software that can give near instantaneous results and act as a conduit between clients and their CPAs. Recent research showed that companies using cloud accounting software exclusively saw 15 percent growth year over year. Better communication with clients is no small part of this success.

    Using cloud-based software allows CPAs to be more responsive to their clients and communicate quickly and accurately. Using the cloud to enter data and deliver analysis to clients gives them answers right away, and dashboards allow clients to see their financial performance in real time. Often, when clients have questions for their CPA, dashboards can be configured on the spot to show them what they need to know. CPAs can communicate rapid responses and accurate results for their clients with cloud software.

    Provide Clearer Information

    Have you ever had a conversation with a client, then felt as though your insights and advice fell on deaf ears? It’s quite possible that your analysis of the client’s financial data didn’t have the impact you hoped, but it may not be because your client didn’t want to hear it. Talking with clients is important, but people don’t always fully retain the information they hear. One study found that as many as 80 percent of people are visual learners, when compared to auditory learning. Your clients are much more likely to hang on to your every word when your advice comes with visuals.

    CPAs provide their clients with valuable financial information, and good communication means ensuring clients understand that information. Visual reporting software enables CPAs to communicate more effectively with clients. CPAs can show businesses in detail their financial status and where they are headed. This software allows CPAs to explain their analysis more clearly, while clients are also more likely to retain and utilize the data for the benefit of their businesses.

    CPAs must be good communicators as they build relationships with their clients and provide invaluable financial analysis and advice. This software and others can help CPAs improve their communication with clients as trusted advisors.
الأربعاء, 06 يوليو 2022 08:33

7 مهارات محاسبية للمحاسب القانوني

يمكن أن تساعك شهادة CPA في فتح الأبواب لك أمام مجموعة من الوظائف والأدوار القيادية الصعبة في مجال مهنة المحاسبة. ستجد محاسبين قانونيين اليوم يعملون كمدققين داخليين، ومديري تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومحاسبين ضرائب، ومديرين ماليين، ومديرين تنفيذيين لشركات كبرى.

قال المحاسب القانوني نايف إدريس، إن النظام الجديد للشركات ألغى الضبابية المتعلقة بتدوير المحاسب القانوني كل 5 سنوات.

الصفحة 1 من 3


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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