عرض العناصر حسب علامة : المحاسب القانوني
4 طرق يمكن للمحاسب القانوني الاستفادة من الأتمتة
مع زيادة توفير الوقت والدقة ونمو العملاء والتوازن بين العمل والحياة التي توفرها الأتمتة، فلا عجب أن سوق الأتمتة المالية ينمو بسرعة.
3 طرق يمكن للبرامج أن تحسن بها اتصالاتك مع العميل
تتيح برامج التقارير المرئية للمحاسبين القانونيين التواصل بشكل أكثر فعالية مع العملاء حيث يمكن أن تظهر الشركات بالتفصيل وضعها المالي وأين تتجه.
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المحتوى بالإنجليزية
3 Ways Software Can Improve CPA-Client Communication
Visual reporting software enables CPAs to communicate more effectively with clients. CPAs can show businesses in detail their financial status and where they are headed.
CPAs are skilled in analyzing financial data and determining how it impacts the clients they serve. While this financial prowess is a valuable tool for businesses, effective communication is a skill that is equally important. Communication is so essential that 97 percent of employers said soft skills like communication were as important or more so than hard skills.
While good communication is a key skill for CPAs, it does not always come naturally. It is often something that must be developed and worked on consistently. Luckily, in this day and age, there is often a technological tool to help. Along with working on interpersonal communication tactics, CPAs can take advantage of software to improve communication with clients.
Be More Accessible
Sometimes, the biggest hindrance to communication is the availability of a CPA when a client comes calling. CPAs can utilize technology to ensure they are accessible to their clients and their relationship of trust is not compromised by being hard to reach. CPAs do not need to be at a client’s beck and call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, making the effort to talk to clients regularly—even checking in outside normal hours—lets them know their CPA is a trusted member of their team.
The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a sudden need to communicate from afar—and it showcased technology that makes it possible. CPAs can use video conferencing software to conduct virtual meetings from anywhere in the world. Firms can also put Voice Over Internet Protocol software to use, allowing CPAs to use a secure phone line from anywhere to communicate with clients while protecting their data. Using these software options ensures CPAs can be there for their clients when they need them most.
Give Instant Feedback
When clients have questions or concerns, they want to know their CPA is on the ball and ready to assist them. Great communicators are quick to respond and provide feedback, reassuring clients that they are in good hands. Enter cloud-based software that can give near instantaneous results and act as a conduit between clients and their CPAs. Recent research showed that companies using cloud accounting software exclusively saw 15 percent growth year over year. Better communication with clients is no small part of this success.
Using cloud-based software allows CPAs to be more responsive to their clients and communicate quickly and accurately. Using the cloud to enter data and deliver analysis to clients gives them answers right away, and dashboards allow clients to see their financial performance in real time. Often, when clients have questions for their CPA, dashboards can be configured on the spot to show them what they need to know. CPAs can communicate rapid responses and accurate results for their clients with cloud software.
Provide Clearer Information
Have you ever had a conversation with a client, then felt as though your insights and advice fell on deaf ears? It’s quite possible that your analysis of the client’s financial data didn’t have the impact you hoped, but it may not be because your client didn’t want to hear it. Talking with clients is important, but people don’t always fully retain the information they hear. One study found that as many as 80 percent of people are visual learners, when compared to auditory learning. Your clients are much more likely to hang on to your every word when your advice comes with visuals.
CPAs provide their clients with valuable financial information, and good communication means ensuring clients understand that information. Visual reporting software enables CPAs to communicate more effectively with clients. CPAs can show businesses in detail their financial status and where they are headed. This software allows CPAs to explain their analysis more clearly, while clients are also more likely to retain and utilize the data for the benefit of their businesses.
CPAs must be good communicators as they build relationships with their clients and provide invaluable financial analysis and advice. This software and others can help CPAs improve their communication with clients as trusted advisors.
جمعية المحاسبين والمراجعين الكويتية
7 مهارات محاسبية للمحاسب القانوني
يمكن أن تساعك شهادة CPA في فتح الأبواب لك أمام مجموعة من الوظائف والأدوار القيادية الصعبة في مجال مهنة المحاسبة. ستجد محاسبين قانونيين اليوم يعملون كمدققين داخليين، ومديري تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومحاسبين ضرائب، ومديرين ماليين، ومديرين تنفيذيين لشركات كبرى.
بسبب الغش في امتحان الأخلاقيات غرامة تاريخية على ارنست آند يونغ
فرضت السلطات الأميركية غرامة تاريخية على شركة المحاسبة "إرنست آند يونغ" بقيمة 100 مليون دولار بعد اكتشف المنظمون الحكوميون أن الشركة كانت تعرف أن بعض مدققي حساباتها كانوا "يغشون في امتحانات" الأخلاقيات لعدة سنوات ولم يفعلوا شيئا لوقف هذا التصرف.
مختص: نظام الشركات الجديد ألغى الضبابية بشأن تدوير المحاسب القانوني
قال المحاسب القانوني نايف إدريس، إن النظام الجديد للشركات ألغى الضبابية المتعلقة بتدوير المحاسب القانوني كل 5 سنوات.
إعلان من هيئة السوق المالية السعودية عن اعتماد تعديل قواعد تسجيل مراجعي حسابات المنشآت الخاضعة لإشراف الهيئة
انطلاقًا من أهداف الهيئة الاستراتيجية لتطوير السوق المالية، وبناءً على نظام السوق المالية الصادر بالمرسوم الملكي رقم (م/30) وتاريخ 02/06/1424هـ، أصدر مجلس الهيئة قراره المتضمن اعتماد تعديل قواعد تسجيل مراجعي حسابات المنشآت الخاضعة لإشراف الهيئة، ليُعمل بها ابتداءً من تاريخ نشرها.
9 مهارات اساسية يحتاجها المحاسب للنجاح
إحالة محاسب قانوني للنيابة بتهمة مساعدة مموليه على التهرب الضريبي
قالت مصلحة الضرائب المصرية إنه تمت إقامة «دعوى عمومية» ضد محاسب قانوني وإحالته للنيابة؛ بتهمة تلاعبه فى المستندات لإثبات تراجع أرباح مموليه لمساعدتهم فى التهرب من الضرائب الخاصة بهم، وإهدار حق الدولة.
لن تحل الأتمتة محل المحاسب القانوني
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المحتوى بالإنجليزية
Automation won’t replace CPAs. It will enhance them
By Snehal Shinde
November 24, 2021, 10:36 a.m. EST
4 Min Read
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Artificial intelligence is going to change accounting, but not in the ways that you think.
By now, AI is being utilized in almost every industry. While in some sectors automation could lead to a reduction in the number of jobs, for accountants, its impact is beneficial. If you’re a practicing CPA, rest easy; technology isn’t coming here to take your job, it’s here to make your job better.
Like the previous adoption of calculators or online bookkeeping services, the industry, and those who serve in it, are safe. People still provide what technology and algorithms can’t, particularly trust and client interactions. But technology and algorithms can replace much of the work that no one enjoys doing, while simultaneously freeing up CPAs to become better partners to the organizations they work with.
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Eliminating the mundane
Whether you’re an accountant just starting out or higher up the ladder, you know that many of the tasks for a new accountant are repetitive and boring. But they need to be done. Items like data entry, reconciliation, adjusting entries and categorizing expenses have long been the responsibilities and bane of the newly employed accountant. Few, if any, enjoy this work.
AI in accounting is significantly reducing — and in some cases eliminating — these tasks. That doesn’t mean less experienced accountants are now replaceable. A person is still needed to verify there are no unintended errors in the data. Someone still needs to make sense of and explain all the data. It means less copy and paste during your workday, not a reduction in hours.
Increased accuracy and efficiency
Many repetitive tasks are prone to human error. When you’re plugging in data all day, it’s understandable: Sometimes a keystroke is missed or an item gets duplicated or put on the wrong line in a spreadsheet. Automating these tasks actually increases the accuracy of reports, while drastically reducing the amount of time necessary to compile them.
Imagine spending an hour each day to verify the numbers, rather than four hours just plugging numbers in. Month-end closing reports can take a couple of hours to analyze rather than 20 to compile. When this type of work is automated, it allows accountants to focus on other types of work, often more creative and strategic.
More, happier clients
Increased efficiency and accuracy have trickle-down effects that boost your bottom line. Accounting practices are limited in the number of clients they can take on based on the amount of time required to input data and create reports. Accountants know there’s no shortage of people looking for their skill sets. With the mundane and time-consuming tasks out of the way, you can actually increase your client base.
It also means you can give more time to each client. Rather than emails piling up and having clients beating down the door to get information and reports, you’ll be able to respond and provide them with what they need quickly. This also allows you to talk to them about more strategic concerns like spend and income rates, trends across periods, and suggestions for future actions. Combine this level of service with more accurate reports and you’ve drastically improved client relationships at the same time you’re taking on additional business.
Less stress at tax time
April and the months leading up to it can seem like an endless pile of receipts, forms, spreadsheets and transactions to categorize to prepare taxes. AI can help with all of that. We’ve already talked about the ability of AI to eliminate data entry and perform reconciliation, but it can do even more than that at tax time.
Automation can ensure that not only are all of the numbers compiled accurately, but the information is optimized for tax purposes. In the future, it will also be able to scan for any available tax credits and integrate with the IRS submission portal.
Accountants and tax professionals will still be needed at tax time, because a human will still need to verify that the numbers make sense and double-check that the technology did its job correctly. They’ll just be able to take on more clients, achieve a bit more balance, and get a better night’s rest during crunch time.
Trust still comes from humans
Automation isn’t here to replace accountants. In fact, AI in accounting is designed to benefit from humans, rather than being standalone. It will shift the nature of your daily tasks, with junior accountants performing more strategic, creative work and senior accountants having more client interaction. In the end, the financial professionals that we work with are more than happy with these changes.
Financial professionals are increasingly relying on technology to help run their practices and perform their duties. The breadth of continuing professional education courses that teach tech solutions is evidence of this. AI is at the forefront of new technology for the industry, and adopting it early will give you an advantage as the industry and client expectations shift. - البلد الأردن