Ph.D: The determinate of financial risk disclosure in annual reports in emerging economies

This study aims at investigating the impact of firm and corporate governance determinants on the financial risk disclosure in annual reports

The researcher hypothesized that both the firm characteristics including size, profitability, and leverage and corporate governance characteristics including board size and audit firm size have significant effect on financial risk disclosure. Content analysis was used to analyze the data of 21 non-financial companies listed in Egyptian Stock Exchange during the period 2017-2019. The results of the study indicated that firm size has negative effect on the financial risk disclosure, while leverage and audit firm size positively significantly affect the financial risk disclosure. On the other side, both profitability and board size have no significant effect on the financial risk disclosure. However, this paper has contributed to the prior research by shedding the light on financial risk disclosure practices of Egyptian listed non-financial firms. Finally, the research recommends large Egyptian firms to increase their financial risk disclosure in annual reports to maintain the confidence of investors.


Dr: Rasha Mohamed Hamdy El - Haddad 

Lecturer, Department of Accounting, School of Business

Ahram Canadian University

لتنزيل المرفقات
قراءة 348 مرات آخر تعديل في الإثنين, 27 يونيو 2022 13:31

الموضوعات ذات الصلة

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