Master Study: Audit Committee Activity And Audit Report Lag in Saudi Arabia

Audit report lag (described in some studies as audit delay) refers to the time period from a company's financial year end to the date of the auditor's report

This paper examines whether audit committee activity is associated with audit report lag We posit that an effective audit committee reduces Qtcrnal audit efforts, thus reducing audit report lag. Data was obtained from 573 listed companies in Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) for the years 2007-2011. A pooled OLS regression analysis shows that, an active audit committee (more independent members with frequent meetings) is associated with shorter audit report lag. The outcomes of this study have significant implications to the auditor independent issues in the setting of Saudi Arabia.


Khaled Salmon Aljaaidi

College of Administrative sciences

Hadharmuat University, Rpublic of Yemen


Waddah Kamal I lASSAN Oilier

Faculty of Administrative Science

University of Aden


Ghassan Saeed Bagulaidah

College of Administrative Sciences

Hadhramuat University, Republic of Yemen



لتنزيل المرفقات
قراءة 824 مرات آخر تعديل في الثلاثاء, 14 سبتمبر 2021 08:48

الموضوعات ذات الصلة

سجل الدخول لتتمكن من التعليق


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

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