Master study: The Effect of Strategic Cost Management Tools on the Performance of Public - Private Partnership Projects

The study aims to investigate the effect of Strategic Cost Management (SCM) tools on the financial performance of public - private partnership PPP projects

 The study aims to investigate the effect of Strategic Cost Management (SCM) tools on the financial performance of public-private partnership PPP projects. A data content analysis was made. The researchers reviewed 31 studies that examined the effect of cost tools including traditional cost tools and SCM tools on the quality and profitability of PPP projects. The number of reviewed studies that confirm the effect of SCM tools on the quality and profitability of PPPs are 21 classified into 14 international studies and seven national studies. The researchers listed the most common SCM tools, as indicated in the studies reviewed, and coded them by numbers from 1 to 25 in the table (as shown in appendix 2). Finding indicate that Benchmarking and ABC tools are the most appropriate tools indicating high significance as they succeed in the reduction of  costs, improvement of product quality, and the enhancement of  PPP profitability.
In sum, this study contributes specifically to two accounting fields of research, namely (i) strategic cost management and (ii) cost accounting.


Rasha El - Haddad

Accounting, Ahram Canadian University


May M. Elewa

Accounting, Ahram Canadian University

لتنزيل المرفقات
قراءة 642 مرات آخر تعديل في الثلاثاء, 14 سبتمبر 2021 08:53

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